
April Fool

So, most of my classes are still going pretty well. Most of them. American Diversity, however, is not going well at all. I got the first test back the monday after Spring Break(4 weeks after the test), and found out that I had failed it. I wouldn't be as mad that it took him so long to grade it had it not also delayed us getting it back until after it was too late to drop the class. Today I took the second test in the class, and I don't think I did any better than the first test. If I did fail the test today, it'll be pretty much impossible to pass the class. Well that's pretty much all I have to say for now. Hopefully the next time I post there will be something better to talk about.

1 comment:

Nurse Penguinladi said...

Don't give up. Keep working in your other classes and keep your grades up there. The worst that will happen is that you will have to take this class over again or find another class to fit the requirement American Diversity is supposed to fill. Work with your advisor. Only a little over 5 weeks of this semester left. You can do it!