
Jesus nuts on the loose!!

this post is pretty much just for the title. I saw the weirdos out on the quad today with their "gays are evil", "drinking is a sin", and "God hates everyone but us" signs, and I thought of that title. But I thought that would make for a very small post, so I found this.

By participating in this quiz, you have unwittingly
proved your randomness and insanity. Good for

RANDOM! muhahahahhahahaha!!!!!!!
brought to you by Quizilla

Heeheehee. squirrels.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I got cheese on the quiz thing. Hehehe.

TT said...

Cheese for me, too. And, apparently Ryan got spam to feed to the squirrels.

Anonymous said...

I got...shoes.

And I think if I see the Jesus freaks out tommorrow, I'm going to go up and tell them I found Jesus. He was hiding behind the couch.

Nurse Penguinladi said...

I got llama!

Matt said...

I got Cheese as well.

Also, if you want to see what we had here a couple days ago for the Jesus freaks, check out Beamers blog. He has pictures.

Amber #2 said...

I gots cheese too! rofl...

but anyway... yes, Jesus-freaks on campus are fun... we had 'em a while ago now... two opposing people preaching on the same spot was frickin' hilarious... to me anyway... some of the passers by were less than appreciative...
