In the year 2006 I resolve to: |
Back at school again, and my life is as uninteresting as ever. 3 days into the new semester and my new roommate hasn't shown up. This leads me to believe he isn't coming and I have the room to myself this semester. Here are my first impression of my classes this semester:
Japanese: Pretty much the same as last semester, except with a few new faces. Most of my friends from this class last semester are in my class again this semester so that's good. Plus, there is a pretty cute girl sitting next to me, and she seems nice. Stay tuned for developments...
Ideal of Democracy: or, why the U.S. government is messed up. The teacher isn't quite a hippy, but he's close. I'm not sure if I'll actually like this class, but I don't think I'll hate it.
American Diversity: Basically, a history class that looks at the stuff most history classes skim over. The tests will all be in class essays, for which we have to buy exam bluebooks. I can't get over the fact that we have to pay to take the tests. I'm not sure if I'll actually hate this class, but i don't think I'll like it.
Speech: A speech class. The teacher is a graduate student, so grading might not be that tough. I'm pretty sure I'll be bored most days of this class.
Accounting: A lecture class that's usually taught in small classes. So far everything that's been taught I already know about accounting, but everything I know has been taught. In two days. Should be interesting.
That should be all for now. I'll probably post again in about two months.